Parish Safeguarding Team

The Parish takes Safeguarding of children and adults who may be vulnerable very seriously. 


Our Parish Safeguarding Officer is available by email or, make contact via the Parish Office 01293 782218. The Parish Safeguarding Officer works alongside our DBS Officers.(Disclosure and Barring Service)


You may prefer to contact the Diocese Safeguarding Team (details below) or our Churchwardens. who are part of our Safeguarding Team


The current Diocesan Policies and Procedures on safeguarding can be found at:  There are Policy copies available in each church. 


Parish Safeguarding Team

Penny Firshman  - Parish Safeguarding Officer 

Penny is the Parish Safeguarding Officer. Her role covers the whole Diocesan Parish of Horley

St Barts, St. Wilfrid's and St Francis'.

Penny is also the DBS lead for St Wilfrid's Church,  Horley  Saferguarding Offer click here


Rosemary Stone  - is the DBS lead for St Bart's Church, Horley    email click here


Penny Lochead  - is the  DBS lead for St Francis' Church, Horley    email click here


Diocesan Safeguarding Team

Where to get help

  • NSPCC Child Protection Helpline: 0808 800 5000 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are worried about a child.

  • Child-line: 0800 1111 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are a child or young person and are worried about anything.

  • National Domestic Violence Helpline: 0808 2000 247 (lines free and open 24 hours). Phone if you are experiencing domestic abuse.

  • Samaritans Helpline: 116 123 (open 24 hours). Phone if you feel you are struggling to cope and need someone to talk to.

  • Action on Elder Abuse Helpline: 080 8808 8141 (free phone Monday to Friday 9- 5pm).


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